Innovation with impact
Expleo innovation is aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals to help industries build a smarter, safer and greener future for us all.
Our Open-innovation partners
Proof Of Concepts developed by Expleo's innovation teams
GenAI-powered software test case generator
Client innovation projects co-developed with Expleo
(BAmboo long fibre reinforced biobased Matrix COmposites) in partnership with Airbus, Arkema, Cobratex SAS, Compositadour, Specific Ploymers, Cirimat and Mecano ID.
A robust innovation process based on TRLs (Technology Readiness Levels)
Our innovation strategy is focused on delivering exceptional value to our customers, fostering a collaborative spirit of co-innovation and building long-term partnerships. In our quest to build a foundation of trust with our partners, not only have we implemented the TRL process across all our teams, but we have a level of TRL validation requirements comparable to those in industry.
Christophe Cazes, Vice President, Global Head of Innovation and Alliances at Expleo Group