30 January 2023 – After signing the Armed Forces Covenant in 2022, Expleo is continuing its journey to support veterans, reservists and their families after winning a Bronze Level Award for its work to date.
The Bronze award is granted once a company has signed the Armed Forces Covenant and is working to actively promote being an ‘armed forces-friendly employer’ and is developing its recruitment and workplace policies in support of the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme (DERS).
The Armed Forces Covenant and Expleo’s support of the scheme in the UK is led by UK Resource and Capability Manager, Andy Swingler. Andy said: “We know that former service personnel contribute real value to our business, both as employees, who bring a wealth of skills and experience, and as customers.
“The Armed Forces Covenant encourages employers like us to do our bit to develop a two-way relationship with former service people, working in partnership with the defence sector to foster collaboration that we can all benefit from.
“I’m currently working with a steering group, formed from various part of the organisation, to look at how we move this forward – from implementing new people policies, to reviewing our hiring practices and of course showing our support for the armed forces and former service people in marking key dates and events like the Poppy Appeal, for which we raised £1,111 last year alone.”
Next step is the Silver Award, which the company can apply for this year. Plans to ensure we can progress to being a Silver Award employer will see the company:
- proactively demonstrating that service personnel/armed forces community are not unfairly disadvantaged as part of our recruitment and selection processes
- actively ensuring that our workforce is aware of positive policies towards defence people issues
- demonstrating support for Reservist mobilisation or having a framework in place

Photo L-R: Ralph Bates, Lee Dillon, Jonathan Taylor, Andy Swingler, Steve Lawton, Mick Stott.